Summer is here! According to the U.S. Travel Association, six out of ten Americans plan to take one or more vacations this summer. As summer travel is up more than ever, we are here to remind you of the importance of planning a healthy and active holiday. This infographic offers a few tips from our team at Full Spectrum Emergency Room and Urgent Care.
Choose an Outdoor Destination.
Summer vacations are the perfect time to be outside — at a beach where you can swim and go for morning walks and bike rides, or on a mountain where you can hike. Staying active with fun outdoor activities is a great bonding experience for families while ensuring everyone gets their daily physical activity! While being outdoors, we suggest that you drink plenty of water and apply sunscreen frequently.
Keep a Routine.
As humans, we thrive on routine. You can stay healthy, productive, and motivated by minimizing the differences between your everyday life and travel schedule. Our recommendation is to create a simple daily plan that keeps you on track regarding meals, activities, personal care, exercise, and rest. After returning from vacation, you will have an easier time adjusting to life back home. Additionally, a routine will help you achieve quality sleep and stay energized throughout your trip.
Choose Healthy Food Options.
We understand that eating all of the carbs on your vacation can be tempting! While it is essential to let yourself splurge some, make sure that you balance any deviations from nutritious meals with a healthy choice. If you decide to eat pizza or french fries for lunches, choose a healthier option for dinners, such as salmon or a protein-packed salad. Try eating fruit varieties, yogurt with granola, or a nutty snack mix with almonds, walnuts, and peanuts as snacks!
Go Light on Alcohol.
Many adults are more likely to drink beyond their limits over vacations than during their traditional day-to-day life. Make sure you set a limit for yourself throughout your summer vacation and balance your alcohol intake with water. In the heat, drinking water will help you stay hydrated and sober. Remember that drinking alcohol decreases our inhibitions, so always be careful to make responsible choices.
Quality Medical Care in San Antonio, TX
We want you to enjoy your summer vacation to the fullest extent! However, don’t forget to keep your health in mind. Following our vacation guide above, you will have a great summer while remaining in proper health.
This summer, we know that sometimes accidents happen or you need immediate medical attention. At Full Spectrum Emergency Room and Urgent Care, we are here to help. To learn more about the services we offer for abdominal care, call us today at (210) 429-8313.