Reduce the Risk and Stop the Spread
Although flu viruses make themselves present year-round, these undesirable illnesses are more prevalent in the fall and winter seasons. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), influenza activity increases in October. While virus activity typically peaks between December and February, it is important to prepare yourself now.
Signs and Symptoms
The flu is a highly contagious illness caused by influenza viruses that primarily affect your upper respiratory system. Signs and symptoms of the flu can range from mild to severe and are different in each person. Some of the most common symptoms of the flu include:
- Muscle or body aches.
- High fever and chills.
- Fatigue.
- Cough.
- Runny or stuffy nose.
- Gastrointestinal issues.
People with the flu are most contagious in the first 3 to 4 days of their illness. If you are exposed to the flu, you may begin to experience symptoms within 2 days of the exposure. However, you are at risk of developing symptoms anywhere from 1 to 14 days.
Protect Yourself and Others
There are numerous ways to stop the spread of the flu and reduce your risk of getting sick. Keep these tips in mind this flu season to ensure you stay safe and healthy:
Cover Your Cough
When people cough, sneeze or even talk, droplets are created, causing the spread of flu viruses. Covering your mouth and nose when needing to cough or sneeze helps prevent getting those around you sick. Coughing and sneezing into tissues is always preferred; however, use your elbow if there aren’t any available.
Wash Your Hands
Washing your hands often (and properly) helps stop the spread of germs. Often, people will touch their faces with unwashed hands after touching a contaminated surface. This is another very common way the flu virus gets spread.
There are critical times to wash your hands, like before and after preparing food, treating a cut or wound, or caring for someone who may be ill. The key is to wash them regularly and keep them clean.
Stay Home If You’re Sick
If you begin to develop flu-like symptoms, it is best to go home from work or school and stay home until you feel better. This helps prevent spreading the flu to others and protects them from getting sick. It is also helpful to avoid close contact with sick people to reduce the risk of catching the virus.
Get Vaccinated
The best way to reduce your risk of getting the flu is by getting the flu vaccine each year. The vaccine also helps lower the risk of serious complications from occurring if you were to get sick. Protect yourself and your loved ones this flu season and stop the spread.
Treating the Flu at Full Spectrum Emergency Room and Urgent Care
If you aren’t feeling well, we recommend that you come to see us right away. Full Spectrum Emergency Room and Urgent Care prides itself on our friendly and highly skilled medical staff that treat a wide range of symptoms and illnesses, including flu viruses.
Full Spectrum Emergency Room and Urgent Care offers little to no wait times, walk-in emergency services, or over-the-phone consultations for your convenience. If you need medical attention, contact us online or call us at (210) 429-8313.